Descarga (16)


  • 1200 BCE

    Cowrie shells

    Cowrie shells
    The Cowrie shells was inventid un China in a 1200BC.
  • 699 BCE

    First coins

    First coins
    The First coin was invented in present day on Turkey.They were stamped whit the insignia of the King.
  • 1000

    Papel money

    Papel money
    The Papel money was invented on China the create was a the Mongolian emperor,Kubla Khan.Bank notes only appered in Europa un 1661
  • Cheques

    The Cheques was invented in Britania a British bandera Clayton and Morris
  • Cash registers

    Cash registers
    The cash was invented on a America in the American saloon-bar owner James Ritty.Ritty se objetive was to stop dishonest employees from staling money
  • Credit cards

    Credit cards
    The crédito cardos was invented in New York.Also calles "Plastic money"
  • Digital money

    Digital money
    The Digital money was invented in the USA.It Will probable be the money of the future
  • The Euro

    The Euro
    The euro was invented in Europe,the common European currencey